
For the course Graphics Programming 2 at DAE we were given the task to recreate a small portion of a game.
I chose to remake part of Jak & Daxter. The game had to show off all things we’d implemented in the engine such as animations, shadow mapping & more.
If you would like to have a look at the source code, please visit the github repository.

Engine: Overlord Engine (Custom C++ framework from DAE)



One of the tasks we had to accomplish for this course were animations. More specifically, we started of with software based animations. Once this was finished, we had to re-implement this using our hardware to handle the animations. On top of the animations itself, we also had to properly skin the texture to the animated models as well.

Dynamic Shadowmapping

Another topic we discussed in this course is the use of shadow maps to handle, well, shadows!
Of course this is again a separate shader for both the skinned and unskinned models.


When it comes down to polishing a game, particles cannot be underestimated. Hence this was another mechanism we had to implement in the Overlord engine.


One of the more simple topics of this course was Post-Processing, yet another important aspect of making the game feel just a tad more polished.

Final Assignment

As for the final assignment we were asked to showcase all the elements mentioned above, and possibly add some new features to it as well.
One of the optional topics was Deferred Rendering.
I ended up combining the deferred rendering technique with the already existing shadow maps to create this cool campfire effect!

Most Interesting CodeSnippets




